Ice Day, Christmas Break, 2 Snow Days and Maybe More?!

It has been a while! The title of this post pretty much sums up what I’ve been doing, a whole lot of nothing (in regards to school!). I also noticed that there are a few things I missed in my posts from last year, you know, a couple of weeks ago!

Here are some things from my INB in Honors Precalculus…

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We worked on the binomial theorem, and Pascal’s triangle before break. Then I had 2 days to talk about rational functions, which leads us into limits with Honors Precalculus (Pre-AP) so I searched the blogs and this is why the MTBoS is so fantastic…of course Rebecka had exactly what I was looking for! This note sheet worked perfectly to review rational functions with my students.

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We were then supposed to have a test the Friday before break, but my title tells what is going on with that! I think my notebook is going to come in handy when we get back to school (whenever that may be). Students will be able to look through that to remind them of what we were learning before the extended vacation. A lot of modifications are going to have to be made to the rest of my curriculum though…exams are supposed to be the end of next week! What do you do when your semester is suddenly cut short? We are on block scheduling, and are done with these classes at the end of next week…